Register early to secure your spot!
Enter as a 4-person team or as individuals.
Shotgun Scramble! Carts roll at 1:30
$175 per Player • $650 per Foursome
Your Day of Fun and Games Includes
Green Fees | Shared Golf Cart | Box Lunch | Catered Weenie Roast | 19th Hole Happy Hour & Awards Event | Early Range Balls |Goodie Swag bag | Entry in Closest to the Hole | Longest Drive Competitions
The Jim Began Tahoe Toyota Hole-in-One Challenge - You could Win a new Toyota!
And sign up for the Great Lake Tahoe Helicopter Golf Ball Drop Raffle!
You could Win a Week’s stay in Hawaii!
Tournament Sponsorship Opportunities Available
Many sponsorships include golf fees, sponsorship signage, online marketing. Plus individual hole & lunch and beverage cart sponsorships and a whole lot more!
Introducing The
Rotary Fellowship Trophy
Dedicated unity and the camaraderie of good fellowship is a stable of Rotary. The Fellowship Trophy is exclusively for Rotary Club Teams entering the charity Cup Tournament.
People Are Talking
“We had a great day on the course. It was fantastic getting to spend a beautiful day with my buddies, while helping raise money for the Tahoe Douglas Rotary club. It was clear the club spent a lot of time putting the event together to make the day perfect for us golfers. I absolutely plan to attend again."
Jeff G.
The Jim Bagan Toyota Hole in One Challenge
Ace it and Win a New Toyota
Join the Tahoe Shotgun All Stars at Lake Tahoe Golf Course for a Day of Fun and Fellowship on the Links.
Enter Rotary’s Helicopter
Golf Ball Drop Raffle
Meet Your Host!
Another memorable Fun-Raiser from
Tahoe Douglas Rotary Club!